Monday, April 7, 2014

Welcoming Students

First Impressions are so important.  When a new student comes we need to have a positive and welcoming interaction with them.  (Hand Shake, High Five, Fist Bump, Smile and a Kind Word).  This puts them at ease and makes them feel accepted!

Face to Face Conversations should be a priority in this ministry.  Many students today have very few quality conversations.  However they are vital to developing relationships. A new person should have interaction with 2 or 3 people during their visit.  A positive conversation in so important to developing a relationship and building an environment of acceptance.

Don't let anyone be isolated!! Keep an eye out for students that tend to be alone or that are sitting by themselves (this goes for regular attenders as well).  Look for opportunities to build relationships with them.

Student Greeters will serve one Sunday during life groups and one Wednesday night during Youth about once every two months.  Stay close to the welcome area to greet students and identify new visitors .  We will have a gift for you to give first time visitors. Also have them fill out an information card and introduce them on Sundays to their life group and to other students.

It is so important to make everyone feel welcome, accepted, valued and show the love of Jesus!  Remember you are the light!

We are here to build relationships that lead people to Christ!

If you have ideas or comments please leave them.  Join in the conversation!